Blepharoplasty – Eyelid surgery

This surgery concerns one or two eyelids. It consists of performing one or several incisions on the eyelids. Sometimes the surgery is performed for aesthetic reasons and serves to improve the patient’s look. In other cases it is necessary for improving the function of eyelids. In both cases complications and bad operation results may occur but they are very rare. Possible complications include: bleeding, infection, scars. The healing process measured from the surgery to the removal of stitches may take about 6-9 days. Staying in the clinic after the surgery is not required.

Price: 800 – 1.100 GBP.

Warning! In the case of operations carried out for foreign patients require longer (up to 10-14 days) stay in Poland, for safe and complete withdrawal of all actions associated with the ongoing operation.

See also:


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